The department Production Systems of Horticultural Crops is renowned for its comprehensive strategies in enhancing the cultivation of horticultural crops through holistic research from the applied research and plant physiology to molecular biology and genetics. This has traditionally involved advancing crop management practices and uncovering the regulatory mechanisms of plants across various climates, with particular emphasis on crops such as apple and hops in temperate zones, and banana, mango, and longan in tropical regions.
Transitioning into the domain of agrivoltaics, the department now pioneers research in integrating solar energy capture with horticultural production to foster sustainable dual-use systems. By conducting advanced plant productivity measurements and selection of most suitable species and cultivars, the team investigates the compatibility and productivity of tree crops under the modified light and micro climatic conditions created by agrivoltaic systems. Through this approach, the department actively contributes to the innovative field of agrivoltaics, ensuring that the energy-food nexus is optimized and environmentally sustainable.
Dr. agr. Michael Helmut Hagemann, email:, Tel: +49 (0)711-459-22355,